Hello Klaus Nohab-Pappi, Started with making model ContecRail MY 1158 in scale O. Regards from Belgium Eric.
Hello Nohab-Pappi Klaus,
Now waiting for more news of NMJ Di3 versions. I think I gone buy 2 models. For the moment I got 7 Heljan DSB models in scale O (may be next week 8?) I have the CFL1601 and the STT TMY M 1111 already completed. Now busy on MY 1158 ContecRail. Other models gone be the MY1106 Bordeaux with crone area 3, 9505 STRUCTON, the MY 1135 “M” version and the MY 1154 DJ/NEG. So I have work for a year of 6 I think. Have a nice long week end. Greetings from a windy Belgium Eric.
Hello Nohab-Pappi Klaus, The boogies are completed with all the parts that’s need. Also the break system. Now made some holes in the noses for the red LED , also the platforms an all the grips with plaques soldering. Best greetings from Kemzeke, Eric.
here the different between Ho and O scale from the platforms
Hello, I hope that I can completed this model in July this year. If everything going good. Thank you Klaus for putting the photos on the site. Greetings from Belgium, Eric.
Hello Nohab-Pappi Klaus; Now the cabins with lights in, painted completed and personnel on board. Rest of little parts is for later. Greetings from Belgium, Eric
Hello, I have a question about photo's from the MY version of the Structon 9505. Are her people that have some good photo's (useball) for making the model in scale O ? Also from the roof? Thank you. Best greetings from Belgium, Eric alias "bollen neus".
I think to finished the loc MY1158 on the end of this year, alle the parts are ready, almost painted body, just a few moreelectric cables need for orange LED on the roof. Greetings, Eric.
Now busy on placed decals on the locomotive. All the connections for the LED are ready. This week rest of little parts fixed on the loc. And as last the heavy weathering. Pictures are coming later. Eric.
Here a few next photos from the model in wording. This is the back side, now only the front and the wipers on the windows and after that is the weathering.
She is ready, everything on the locomotive and I have try to weathered this like the pictures I have got. Here the last pictures for this year. Also I have made this model as tribute for my friend he died in My this year. There is some picture with text only in Netherlands, because I don’t’ can write in German. You can put this on the site? Have a nice “Weinacht” Grussen, Eric.
Hallo Eric, vielen Dank für die vielen Fotos und Reportage zum Umbau der Lokomotive. Es ist eine sehr schöne Arbeit geworden. Herzlichen Glückwunsch.
Ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und ein gutes neues Jahr wünscht der NOHAB - Pappi