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Dieses Thema hat 5 Antworten und wurde 616 mal aufgerufen
#2 RE: M17 in wording scale O, with DCC sound.
#3 RE: M17 in wording scale O, with DCC sound.
Goeie dag allen, In bijlage een foto van de 4 modellen, 4x4 dus 4x Heljan, 4x Nohab , 4x met decoder digiaal en 4x eigen werk. Groeten en prettig week end, Eric In einem Foto von 4 Modellen, 4x4 4x 4x Heljan, 4x Nohab, 4x Digiaal Decoder in 4x Eigenwerkzeug. In schönem Wochenende grillen Eric
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#4 RE: M17 in wording scale O, with DCC sound.
The M17 NJ is now completed finisched , all with weathering and soud. Now started on new project, 2 models, I hope that there are ready end of next year. (later more news and photos) Greetings, Eric.
#5 RE: M17 in wording scale O, with DCC sound.
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#6 RE: M17 in wording scale O, with DCC sound.
Nohab-Pappi hank you. Regards, Eric
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